
FlexPoint is incredibly easy to work with; they support their product from end to end, and the platform is stable and reliable. It has every payment portal functionality that you need.”

Garrett Snelling

Loud & Clear

FlexPoint's Working Capital Solutions have been crucial in helping Loud & Clear expand its services to enterprise-level clients. The boost in our number of clients & annual revenue has been staggering.

Patrick Kemp


FlexPoint is incredibly easy to work with; they support their product from end to end, and the platform is stable and reliable. It has every payment portal functionality that you need.”

Garrett Snelling

Loud & Clear

FlexPoint's Working Capital Solutions have been crucial in helping Loud & Clear expand its services to enterprise-level clients. The boost in our number of clients & annual revenue has been staggering.

Patrick Kemp

Enhance Your MSP Operations with ConnectWise and FlexPoint Integration

Optimize Billing Workflow Efficiency and Data Accuracy

Discover how integrating ConnectWise with FlexPoint can elevate your MSP's operational capabilities. This integration simplifies your workflow by automating data entry, ensuring real-time invoice updates, and linking seamlessly with your accounting software. Reduce manual effort and enhance data accuracy across your financial operations.

Connect Connectwise and FlexPoint Now

Experience Connectwise FlexPoint Integration Benefits

Optimize Your MSP Operations with ConnectWise and FlexPoint

Leverage the ConnectWise and FlexPoint integration to streamline your operational efficiency. This integration eliminates redundant tasks by automating data entry, ensures that your invoicing is always current with two-way synchronization, and seamlessly connects to your accounting software to maintain data integrity.

Elimination of
Manual Data Entry

Reduce the time and potential for errors associated with manual entries by automatically importing and updating client and invoice data from ConnectWise to FlexPoint.

Real-Time Invoice Synchronization

Maintain up-to-date invoice information with a two-way sync between ConnectWise and FlexPoint, ensuring that any changes in one system are immediately reflected in the other.

White label audit panel
Background Design FlexPoint

Dual Integration Efficiency

Simultaneously connect ConnectWise and your accounting software to FlexPoint to streamline workflows and eliminate duplicate data entry across systems.

Transforming operations

Before and After ConnectWise and FlexPoint Integration

Discover how integrating ConnectWise with FlexPoint revolutionizes MSP payment operations. This side-by-side comparison highlights key enhancements in workflow and data management.



Manual, error-prone data entry across systems.

Automatic two-way sync ensures accurate, up-to-date data with minimal manual intervention.

Separate updates needed in accounting software after editing invoices in ConnectWise.

Dual integration updates invoices in FlexPoint
and accounting software simultaneously, streamlining processes.

Repetitive data input for client information across systems.

Integrated systems share and update client
data seamlessly.

Manual management of AutoPay rules and agreements in ConnectWise.

AutoPay rules managed directly in FlexPoint, automating billing cycles.

Time-consuming manual data compilation for financial reports.

Real-time data from ConnectWise enhances financial reporting in FlexPoint.

How ConnectWise Integration Enhances Workflow Efficiency with FlexPoint

Gain insight into the streamlined integration process between ConnectWise and FlexPoint that automates crucial financial operations. This detailed walkthrough covers the core functionalities that enhance efficiency and ensure consistent data across platforms.

Invoice and Client Data Import

Automatically imports both historical and new invoices, including detailed line items, along with client information from ConnectWise to FlexPoint, ensuring comprehensive data alignment.

Two-Way Payment Synchronization

Payments made in FlexPoint are automatically recorded and updated in ConnectWise, facilitating real-time financial accuracy and reducing manual tracking.

AutoPay Rules Configuration

Set up and manage AutoPay rules directly in FlexPoint based on specific ConnectWise agreements, streamlining payment processes according to predefined terms.

Dual Integration Sync

ConnectWise integrates simultaneously with FlexPoint and your accounting software, maintaining seamless workflow continuity and preventing any duplicate data entry.

Enhanced Reporting Functions

Utilizes synchronized data to generate detailed financial reports within FlexPoint, offering enhanced insights and aiding in informed decision-making.

Effortlessly Setting Up ConnectWise Integration with FlexPoint

Follow this straightforward guide to integrate ConnectWise with FlexPoint, enhancing your MSP's operational capabilities with efficient data synchronization and streamlined financial management.

Step 1
Create a New API Member 
in ConnectWise
Step 2
Enter FlexPoint specific credentials
Step 3
Generate API Keys
Step 4
Add the API keys in FlexPoint
Step 5
Start Syncing!
Read Full Documentation

Real MSP Success Stories with ConnectWise and FlexPoint Integration

Discover firsthand the powerful benefits MSPs have experienced by integrating ConnectWise with FlexPoint. These testimonials underline how this integration enhances operational efficiencies, simplifies workflows, and ensures accurate financial management.


Integrating ConnectWise with FlexPoint has streamlined our operations, allowing for seamless data synchronization and enhanced invoice management. This integration has significantly reduced our manual data entry and improved the accuracy of our billing processes."

Excellent Networks

Read The Full Story

Frequently Asked Questions: ConnectWise and FlexPoint Integration

Explore the frequently asked questions to discover how integrating ConnectWise with FlexPoint can optimize your MSP's operational workflows. These FAQs provide valuable insights, helping you understand and maximize the benefits of this essential integration.

How does the ConnectWise integration simplify data management in FlexPoint?

The integration allows for real-time two-way synchronization, automatically updating both invoice details and client information across systems, thus ensuring data consistency and accuracy.

Can I manage AutoPay rules for ConnectWise agreements directly in FlexPoint?

Yes, you can configure and manage AutoPay rules based on specific ConnectWise agreements directly within FlexPoint, streamlining your billing processes and ensuring compliance with contract terms.

What are the benefits of dual integration with ConnectWise and accounting software via FlexPoint?

Dual integration allows FlexPoint to act as a bridge between ConnectWise and your accounting software, maintaining continuity of workflows, eliminating duplicate data entry, and enhancing overall financial management efficiency.

How does the integration affect the management of historical invoices?

FlexPoint integrates seamlessly to import both historical and new invoices from ConnectWise, including detailed line items, which helps maintain a comprehensive financial history and facilitates accurate reporting.

What steps are required to set up the ConnectWise integration with FlexPoint?

Setting up the integration involves creating an API member in ConnectWise, generating API keys, and configuring these keys in FlexPoint to start the synchronization process.

Streamline Your MSP Operations with ConnectWise and FlexPoint

Ready to revolutionize your MSP operations? Experience the transformative power of integrating ConnectWise with FlexPoint. This integration simplifies your workflow management, boosts data accuracy, and saves valuable time.

Elevate your business efficiency today — don’t wait to optimize your operational processes!

Experience the ConnectWise FlexPoint Integration