Make it easy for your clients to pay and improve their billing experience

The easiest way to upgrade your client experience with a modern branded payment portal

Improve your clients billing and payment experience


MSP billing and payments portal made simple
Background Design FlexPoint

A Modern and Simple to Use Client Portal

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No lengthy signup process

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Intuitive and modern user experience

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Securely collect client business and payment details with onboarding forms

A Branded Portal Your Clients Can Trust

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Your clients, your relationships. Your payment portal, your branding

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A single place for clients to view and manage invoices, improving trust through transparency

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Enable your clients to self service their billing

Client information in a portal you can trust
White label audit panel
Multiple secure payment options for your MSP and clients
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Multiple Payment Options

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Give clients flexibility to pay with multiple payment methods without it affecting your bottom line

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Increase your client’s purchasing power, without taking on credit risk

Securely Store Payment Methods

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Stop collecting sensitive payment information over email or phone

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Eliminate or reduce the burden of PCI Compliance

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Card Account Updater automatically keeps card information current and prevents failed payments

Multiple payment methods to choose from
White label audit panel

FlexPoint is Built for You

A single solution to help your business simplify billing. No long term contracts necessary.

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