
FlexPoint is incredibly easy to work with; they support their product from end to end, and the platform is stable and reliable. It has every payment portal functionality that you need.”

Garrett Snelling

Loud & Clear

FlexPoint's Working Capital Solutions have been crucial in helping Loud & Clear expand its services to enterprise-level clients. The boost in our number of clients & annual revenue has been staggering.

Patrick Kemp


FlexPoint is incredibly easy to work with; they support their product from end to end, and the platform is stable and reliable. It has every payment portal functionality that you need.”

Garrett Snelling

Loud & Clear

FlexPoint's Working Capital Solutions have been crucial in helping Loud & Clear expand its services to enterprise-level clients. The boost in our number of clients & annual revenue has been staggering.

Patrick Kemp

How Secure Are Your Payments?


MSPs are critical to protecting SMBs from cybercrime

MSPs play a critical role in providing cybersecurity solutions to SMBs. MSPs help protect SMBs from cyber threats and provide essential services such as data backup, disaster recovery, and network monitoring. However, despite their focus on cybersecurity, MSPs often overlook a major security flaw in how they run their business: payments.

Why checks and accepting payments over the phone are not a secure form of payment

One of the biggest security flaws in the way MSPs handle payments is accepting checks as a form of payment from clients. Checks are not the most secure form of payment and can be easily forged or altered. Additionally, checks often contain sensitive information, such as bank account and routing numbers, which can be used to commit fraud or theft. If accepting checks is absolutely necessary, MSPs should ensure they have well documented procedures on who has access to checks and strict timelines for handling and depositing checks.

MSPs also commonly accept credit cards over the phone. While this may seem like a convenient option, it poses a significant security risk. Credit card information can be easily stolen if not stored correctly and this method of payment opens MSPs up to regulatory scrutiny and liability if they are not PCI compliant.

How FlexPoint can help secure your payments

Fortunately, there is a solution to these payment security issues: FlexPoint. FlexPoint is a payment processing platform designed specifically for MSPs. It offers a secure payment gateway that uses tokenization to protect sensitive payment information. Tokenization replaces sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, with a randomly generated token, which can be safely stored and transmitted without exposing the underlying data.

FlexPoint also offers a secure online payment portal that allows clients to make payments directly through a secure website, eliminating the need for checks or credit card transactions over the phone. This not only improves security but also provides a convenient payment option for clients. By using FlexPoint, MSPs no longer need to worry about PCI compliance and annual audits.

Ultimately, while MSPs play an important role in protecting SMBs from cyber threats, they themselves are vulnerable to cybercrime when it comes to handling payments. Checks and credit card transactions over the phone are not secure payment methods and can expose MSPs to fraud and data theft. Schedule a demo to learn more about how FlexPoint can help you improve the security of your payments and provide a convenient payment option for your clients.


How Secure Are Your Payments?

MSPs are critical to protecting SMBs from cyber crime, but when it comes to handling payments, many are exposing themselves to security risk.



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A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

MSPs are critical to protecting SMBs from cybercrime

MSPs play a critical role in providing cybersecurity solutions to SMBs. MSPs help protect SMBs from cyber threats and provide essential services such as data backup, disaster recovery, and network monitoring. However, despite their focus on cybersecurity, MSPs often overlook a major security flaw in how they run their business: payments.

Why checks and accepting payments over the phone are not a secure form of payment

One of the biggest security flaws in the way MSPs handle payments is accepting checks as a form of payment from clients. Checks are not the most secure form of payment and can be easily forged or altered. Additionally, checks often contain sensitive information, such as bank account and routing numbers, which can be used to commit fraud or theft. If accepting checks is absolutely necessary, MSPs should ensure they have well documented procedures on who has access to checks and strict timelines for handling and depositing checks.

MSPs also commonly accept credit cards over the phone. While this may seem like a convenient option, it poses a significant security risk. Credit card information can be easily stolen if not stored correctly and this method of payment opens MSPs up to regulatory scrutiny and liability if they are not PCI compliant.

How FlexPoint can help secure your payments

Fortunately, there is a solution to these payment security issues: FlexPoint. FlexPoint is a payment processing platform designed specifically for MSPs. It offers a secure payment gateway that uses tokenization to protect sensitive payment information. Tokenization replaces sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, with a randomly generated token, which can be safely stored and transmitted without exposing the underlying data.

FlexPoint also offers a secure online payment portal that allows clients to make payments directly through a secure website, eliminating the need for checks or credit card transactions over the phone. This not only improves security but also provides a convenient payment option for clients. By using FlexPoint, MSPs no longer need to worry about PCI compliance and annual audits.

Ultimately, while MSPs play an important role in protecting SMBs from cyber threats, they themselves are vulnerable to cybercrime when it comes to handling payments. Checks and credit card transactions over the phone are not secure payment methods and can expose MSPs to fraud and data theft. Schedule a demo to learn more about how FlexPoint can help you improve the security of your payments and provide a convenient payment option for your clients.

MSPs are critical to protecting SMBs from cybercrime
Why checks and accepting payments over the phone are not a secure form of payment
How FlexPoint can help secure your payments

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Autopay Doesn't Have to Be Awkward

Whether it's new clients or existing clients, getting your clients on autopay doesn't have to be awkward.

Why Passwordless Authentication Offers Your Clients a Secure and Convenient Way to Pay

Passwordless authentication is a great balance between security and convenience.

Getting Started With Payments Software Doesn't Have to Be Painful

Have you been thinking about adopting payments software for your MSP, but worried it takes too much time and resources? Learn more how FlexPoint can help you accelerate your time to value.

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